What struck me the most was that many of my classmates viewed her more negatively than they did the boyfriend. It was almost as if they were angry at her for somehow making him look bad by coming back to school with the bruises.
That’s why I wasn’t shocked when a friend sent me an e-mail with a link of the new Chris Brown apology. Brown beat his girlfriend Rhianna and not only made a videotaped apology, but he’s been forgiven by hundreds of fans.
What struck me most in this case was that the majority of negative comments weren’t from women—they were from men. In fact, the majority of positive comments were from women.
I figured that I’d post a few here for your viewing pleasure. Please be aware that I didn’t cherry-pick these comments. I didn’t have to; they’re all there in their we-forgive-Chris glory. Click on the link to the video to see for yourself.

For the last few years I’ve argued that if you’re a man who wants a woman to be attracted to you, you need to treat her like shit. I’m not happy about that, but it’s true. And it’s been evidenced over and over again.
Here’s a message to those of you who might consider yourselves feminists: Men aren’t as big a threat to your beliefs as your fellow females are.
EDIT: After mulling it over, I’ve moved this comment to its own spot because I’m not sure if it’s positive or negative. Actually, I’m not sure what language it is.
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