June 17, 2009

Rocky Road

Truth be told, I’m a bit of a health nut. I watch what I eat on a daily basis, trying to make sure that it’s high in fiber and nutrients and low in fat and cholesterol. I would love to see everyone eat well, but I know that many—if not most—people don’t really care what goes into their mouths as long as it tastes good.

One thing that I try not to do is tell others what to eat. For me, such a move goes against my it’s-your-body-so-you-can-fuck-it-up-however-you-want-to approach to life. For mom MeMe Roth, however, telling you what to eat is her goal in life.

In fact, Roth wants her local public school in New York to require parental permission slips be handed out and returned before students are allowed to eat any kind of junk-food that might be brought in from students as birthday snacks.

Roth’s approach has been called “hostile” by administrators at the school and at a school board meeting she “tossed valentine candy” and “used foul language.”

When asked about eating sweets in moderation, Roth said, “Show me an American that knows what moderation means.”

Well, Ms. Roth, I’m doing pretty damn well; I’m 147 pounds and feel pretty good. I’ll have a cupcake or cookie if one of my students brings it to me as their birthday treat.

Here’s an idea, Ms. Roth: tell your kids that they can’t eat any junk-food when it’s brought to school and let the other parents raise their children the way that they see fit. Please leave your holier-than-thou attitude at the door.

Chang, Juju, et al. “Food Fight: Mom’s Crusade Against Classroom Sweets.” ABC News. 17 June 2009.


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