Habitual writer, C-SPAN junkie, avid reader, baseball addict, and hockey nut. When it comes to politics, I evaluate each issue for what it is instead of sheepishly calling myself "liberal" or "conservative," which most weak-minded Americans do in an attempt to avoid thinking for themselves.
All links are active at the time of post publication. Due to the ever-changing nature of the Internet, links might go “dead” at any given time. This is why liberal use of excerpts, screenshots, and extensive attribution is used whenever possible.
Copyrighted stories and images that are used on this blog are for educational and reference purposes only. I receive no money from advertisements, nor do I beg for donations as many other bloggers do. Whenever possible, outside authors, photographers, and sources will be credited. Opinions expressed herein are not copyrighted and as such I encourage you to steal them.
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