July 11, 2009

Their American Way

Since the Supreme Court ruling on the New Haven firefighter discrimination case didn’t go the way that they had hoped, the liberal organization People for the American Way along with supporters of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayo—who have made skin color more important than the ability to save lives—have begun a campaign to bring down Ricci v. DeStefano plaintiff Frank Ricci by citing past “troubles” that he’s had.

But what are these “troubles,” according to them?

Well, for one, he filed suit in 1995 after he claimed that he was discriminated against for being dyslexic. They also cite a story saying that he was fired from the Middletown Fire Department because he raised safety concerns at the department, which was eventually fined for safety violations.

Now, let’s take a look at these:
  • In the first case, we can easily believe that Ricci was discriminated against by New Haven officials because they’re already known for discriminating against people based on skin color. Why wouldn’t it be easy to think that they’d discriminate against a learning disability?
  • In the second case, he raised concerns about safety violations. This is in a field where safety concerns are of the utmost importance.
The People for the American Way are upset over these? Seriously?!

The only thing that is made clear in this story is that the People for the American Way are a pro-discrimination, anti-ability outfit which now has a place in liberal politics that is akin to the conservatives’ Joe the Plumber.

I certainly hope that that isn’t the real “American way.”

Doyle, Michael and David Lightman. “Sotomayor Backers Urge Reporters to Probe New Haven Firefighter.” McClatchy Newspapers. 10 July 2009.


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