March 25, 2009

No Balls & Too Many Strikes

The Catholic Church has its pre-pubescent-semen-stained panties in a bunch because the Detroit Tigers have scheduled their home opener during “holy hours” on Good Friday. Father Ed Vilkauskas of Detroit’s St. Mary’s Church said, “Nobody is saying baseball isn’t big, but Good Friday is really big—it’s 2,000 years old.”

Since years seem to be important to the Catholic Church, let’s review the ages of some of the children who were raped by their priests: nine; ten; eleven; twelve; thirteen; fourteen; fifteen.

Oh, and this is the same institution which recently excommunicated a doctor who performed an abortion on a raped nine-year-old Brazilian girl who became pregnant with twins from her rapist. Did I mention that her rapist was her own stepfather? And did I mention that the Catholic Church also excommunicated every family member who supported the abortion, which saved the little girl’s life?

From Time:
Archibishop Jose Cardoso Sobrinho of the coastal city of Recife announced that the Vatican was excommunicating the family of a local girl who had been raped and impregnated with twins by her stepfather, because they had chosen to have the girl undergo an abortion. The Church excommunicated the doctors who performed the procedure as well. “God’s laws,” said the archbishop, dictate that abortion is a sin and that transgressors are no longer welcome in the Roman Catholic Church. “They took the life of an innocent,” Sobrinho told TIME in a telephone interview.


The case has caused a furor. Abortion is illegal in Brazil except in cases of rape or when the mother's life is in danger, both of which apply in this case. (The girl’s immature hips would have made labor dangerous; the Catholic opinion was that she could have had a cesarean section.)
Organized religion in general has helped to keep people in line—and help hold on to their power—by discouraging questions and intellectual inquiry. Even worse, the Catholic Church has gone a step further and turned into what might be the world’s largest collection of member-supported child molesters with values that are as immoral as those of any criminal.

Now they’re worried about when a baseball game is going to be played.

Associated Press. “Good Friday Opener Draws Criticism.” ESPN. 25 Mar. 2009.

Downie, Andrew. “Nine-Year-Old’s Abortion Outrages Brazil’s Catholic Church.” Time. 6 Mar. 2009.


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