January 6, 2009

Mr. Shtick Goes to Washington

Photo © Matt Klaber

Yesterday a Minnesota board certified election results showing that comedian Al Franken beat Norm Coleman for one of Minnesota’s US Senate seats. Coleman’s lawyers have vowed to fight the results, saying that some funny business was going on throughout the recount process.

I find this hard to believe because I don’t remember anything funny ever coming from Al Franken.

Bakst, Brian. “Franken on Top in Minnesota Recount; Coleman to Sue.” My Way News. 6 Jan. 2009.



Pessimistic Optimist said...

Stewart Smalley a senator? Well, we all know why he got elected. Because he's "Good enough, smart enough, and doggone it, people like him!"

Chase Edwards Cooper said...

I read a comment on YouTube that was priceless: “Minnesota has gone from having a WWF wrestler as a governor to an SNL satirist as a Senator. Ronald McDonald has a chance to get elected to something there in the near future.”

Pessimistic Optimist said...

Haha...but, yet, I find that electing a politician as a senator is just as silly, really.

Chase Edwards Cooper said...

I have to agree. Ronald McDonald might even do a better job. After all, he already has make-up on, giving him a head-start at covering things up.